Little Love Doula Services

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Build and hold a space of support and trust for you.


Encourage you to advocate for yourself and your baby throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey


Prepare you for the birth experience most comfortable for you

Your Body| Your Baby| Your Birth


I can't imagine going through my second birth without Mia's support! During our prenatal appointments, Mia's suggestions, reminders, and questions about our preparation for childbirth helped to me feel confident that we had all of our bases covered before labor began. When it did, Mia was by our side every step of the way. Her support and guidance through the birthing process helped me to feel calm, collected, and cared for throughout the birth of our daughter. I cannot recommend Mia enough!

Brooke M.

Mia was such a calming, knowledgeable, and encouraging presence during our birth. Mia's ability to help keep me focused during labor was invaluable. Having another person in the room, with a calm and clear head was crucial at times when we needed help figuring out next steps as emergent situations would arise during labor. Her knowledge, resourcefulness, and demeanor made it possible for us to continue on our desired birth journey from start to finish. We are so thankful to have had her with us during this process and would highly recommend her.

Meghan B.

Preparing for and then actually giving birth was an experience I will remember forever, and that is in great part due to having Mia to help keep me grounded and affirmed along the journey. From our prenatal meetings discussing my wants, needs, and her role, to sending her the message that it was Go-Time–Mia was in her element. I appreciate her attentiveness and commitment to the process. When the pain increased and I was ready to give in at the knees, Mia was not just there reminding me to breathe, she was holding me up and breathing with me. Rubbing my body through the contractions and encouraging me with the affirmations we had set for this exact moment. 

For me, if I had to think about my birth team and everyone’s role, outside of my husband, Mia helped me stay in the realization that I CAN do this. Giving birth is almost equal parts physical and mental, and Mia’s ability to assess what type of energy and support I needed as the journey progressed is a skill that helped me through my birthing experience immensely. She advocated my wants and needs when I couldn’t express them for myself, allowing my husband and I to focus and be in the moment. I am forever grateful.

TiYanna S.

When I began my trying to conceive journey 2016 I had no idea how difficult it was going to be. My husband and I tried fertility treatments but eventually I found success through lifestyle changes and switching to a naturopath. In 2019 I became pregnant and was so excited but extremely nervous about having a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I was experiencing a fair amount of anxiety because of my infertility journey. That’s when I turned to Mia. I knew I needed a Doula to help me along the way. I was very lucky to have Mia’s support through that journey. We spoke many times throughout my pregnancy to help get me prepared for labor and deal with different issues I encountered while pregnant. Her calm nature is exactly what I needed during the intervention free hospital delivery I was planning. During my hospital labor she made me feel safe and I heard her advocate for me several times when I knew I wasn’t in the state to advocate for myself. I never felt judged for my decisions or like she had a biased opinion. All she wanted was for me to do what was best for me. With her support I had a successful hospital delivery with zero intervention. 

When it came time for my second birth I had a new set of obstacles to tackle because we were in the middle of a pandemic. I was grateful I could count on Mia to help me navigate the best way to keep me and my baby safe during my pregnancy. In addition, this time I was planning for a birth center birth.  Mia went with me to an appointment and I was comforted knowing she was familiar with the midwives and birth center layout. On the day I went into labor Mia was by my side again and prepared the room with beautiful affirmations, music and a defuser. She created the perfect ambiance again for the peaceful birth I wanted. She encouraged me the entire labor and gave me counter pressure as I dealt with back labor for the second time. Having Mia on my birth team was an amazing experience and my husband and I felt at ease knowing we had her support.

Bianca T.